Cynthia Yanof


messmerized PODCAST

Hi, Iā€™m Cynthia! I am a wife, mom of 3, blogger and host of the MESSmerized podcast. I love Jesus, my family, foster care, and having lots of people around me as often as possible.

I believe God is found in the real life, everyday moments of parenting, marriage, friendships, and everywhere in between. Letā€™s look for him together.

Season 1 :: Episode 26

A BIG Announcement (like really BIG) šŸ“£šŸŽ‰

The day has finally come where I get to share something unbelievably exciting thatā€™s going on in my life. And true to form, I come to you somewhere between wildly excited to share the news while also completely nerved-out because itā€™s vulnerable and so deeply special to me. But here we go!

Drum roll please . . . . You guys, I wrote a book!Ā 

Itā€™s calledĀ Life is Messy, God is GoodĀ and itā€™s the biggest labor of love Iā€™ve had the privilege of being a part of in my life. I say labor of love, because Iā€™ve seen Godā€™s incredible kindness in allowing me to write a book that a publisher actually wants to disseminate to the world at large!

But itā€™s also been a labor of love over here as I have spent over a year praying over this book, writing, deleting, writing more, deleting more, and asking God to speak truth through my words in ways I will likely never fully understand or appreciate. And now that the time has finally come where I can talk about the book, I wanted YOU to be the first people to hear about it.Ā 

So on todayā€™s show Iā€™m talking a little bit about the book, but also about my heart behind the book and how my life has been impacted by people who have allowed God to use the messiest places of their lives for His bigger purpose. Something heā€™s longing to do in all of our lives.Ā 

So can I ask YOU for a favor (or two or three)?

  1. If you love MESSmerized or love me or even tolerate me but continue to show up each week . . . will you please pre-orderĀ Life is Messy, God is Good?Ā It comes out February 6th and pre-orders are a HUGE deal in order for retailers to carry it.Ā 
  2. Will you spread the word? Itā€™s as easy as sharing this email and/or my social media posts (make sure youā€™re following me please) with your friends and family.Ā 
  3. Lastly, will you pray? Join me in praying very simply that God will do ā€œimmeasurably moreā€Ā  than we can ask or imagine in paving a way for this message. (Esphesians 3:20)

Iā€™m so grateful for each of you and canā€™t wait for todayā€™s show.

P.S. If you are interested in being on my launch team please email me atĀ You might as well volunteer because you know Iā€™m going to but you to do it anyway. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Pre-Order: Life is Messy, God is Good

All things Cynthia Yanof

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The book I wrote for you all of us trying to figure out how our theology meets our reality of everyday life!