Cynthia Yanof


messmerized PODCAST

Hi, I’m Cynthia! I am a wife, mom of 3, blogger and host of the MESSmerized podcast. I love Jesus, my family, foster care, and having lots of people around me as often as possible.

I believe God is found in the real life, everyday moments of parenting, marriage, friendships, and everywhere in between. Let’s look for him together.

MESSmerized with Darren Whitehead Cynthia Yanof

Season 1 : Episode 68

Episode 68 Do I need a digital fast? With Darren Whitehead

I know, I know. You’ve read the title of today’s show, and you’re thinking there ain’t a one of us who really wants to think about how much time we are spending on our various forms of technology. Myself included. 


True story, recently I was considering ways I could spend more time in prayer, and I literally convinced myself that I had not one spare second in my day. As if the Holy Spirit worked for Apple, at that exact moment a notification popped up on my phone with my average screen time for the week before. And let’s just say I apparently have plenty of time to pray based on the time I spend on my phone. 


Darren Whitehead is the Pastor of Church of the City in Nashville, and his church did a collective digital fast that was incredibly impactful. He’s talking about it on today’s show, and I love how he suggests a course correction is in order now that we know the impact of excessive technology use. After all, we would do that with anything else in our life. 


His approach isn’t to just throw our phones out the window, but to remove the “distraction” apps and leave only the utility apps. You’ve got to listen today to fully appreciate this concept, but I know for me personally it sounds like exactly what needs to happen this fall. 


Listen today, pray about it, and join me in reading and implementing The Digital Fast

Okay, on another note—in case you missed it, Heather MacFadyen and I launched a new show, Sidetracked, many months ago as a part of Don’t Mom Alone. Since that time, it’s gained in popularity and now has a new home with the Converge podcast network as its own show. Do me a huge favor and go listen to the show here, and subscribe and even leave a review pretty please. This is a huge help as we get this new project launched. And you don’t want to miss my Buc-ees story.



The Digital Fast by Darren Whitehead

All things Cynthia Yanof

Sidetracked with Heather MacFadyen and Cynthia Yanof

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The book I wrote for you all of us trying to figure out how our theology meets our reality of everyday life!

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